The game to learn flower namesInstructions: Four flower pictures where selected randomly from wich you have to know name, family, Latin name and Latin family. One of those names is displayed in the light blue bar. Now click in the coresponding field under the flower-picture. If the answer is correct, the name is written in the field and another name will appear in the light blue bar. Repeat this until all fields are filled. Lavels: You can vary the difficult level by deactivating names. If you want to learn only the English names, simply deactivate the other names. New game: Click on the button "New flowers" to beginn a new game. Resolution: Click on the button "Review" and the remainding fields will be filled with the right names. Review:Any correct attempt counts one point. If new flowers where loaded, the scoring will be transfered in the next round. Click on the button "Clear scoring" to delete the points and start from beginning. |
Copyright: Studio-3b, Prettau |